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Getting started | Roborock

So, your new Roborock robot vacuum has finally made it to your home.  Exciting stuff!   Now, it’s time to get set-up.  It is pretty easy to get running, just follow the 10 simple steps below. If you get this part right, you’ll be smooth sailing for the rest of your journey!  1 Plug-in the charge […]

Multi-level mapping | Ecovacs

Do you have multiple levels to create floor-plans for with your Ecovacs robot?   If you have a small or basic level, you may find that you don’t need to create a separate floor-plan as the robot will likely clean perfectly well on auto mode.  However, to customise the cleaning and set up zones or virtual […]

Having trouble naming your Robovac?

As with any new addition to the family, it’s vital that you name your robomate. It also probably doesn’t surprise you to know that the most common name given to robot vacuums is Robbie.  On the contrary, it is slightly surprising to learn that over 90% of robot names are male.  We have some theories […]

3 Cool Robovac Features to Look For

On the face of it, robot vacuums seem like weird little machines that tentatively explore your home, picking up whatever can be easily swept up in their path. However – there is so much more to some of the “smart-navigating” robots and we think everyone should know about their cool features.  1. They can build […]