Servicing & Installations

$149 call out fee

$95 per hour

Charged in 30 min increments

30kms from Auckland harbour bridge - $1.50 per km for additional

Our warranty is return to base, however we will waive these fees if the reason for the call-out is determined to be caused by a physical manufacturing defect which is covered under warranty and requires a hands-on service or repair to remedy.



Up to 1000m2 mowers - (2.5 hours) - $299

Up to 2000m2 mowers - (3.5 hours) - $399

Up to 3000m2 - (4 hours) - $499

Up to 5000m2 -(4 hours) - $599

Up to to 10,000m2 – (8 hours) - $999

*for locations within 30 kms of road travel from the nearest Robomate office. Additional costs may apply.

What is included:

• Charger placed in a good location on-site.

• Your lawn will be mapped out for you.

• Connected to WiFi (assuming your WiFi is available and compatible with 2.4Ghz)

• Recommended task schedules set up for the current season

• RTK installed in a place that is accessible from the ground

• 1 free follow-up 1 hour visit within the next 3 months to make adjustments

What’s not included:

• Installation of external power plugs

• Installation of the RTK on the roof of your building (if you wish to have your RTK roof-mounted we can organize with an electrician for an additional charge as our team are not authorized to work on the roof)

Note, it is impossible to get everything perfect in one visit.  One free follow-up visit is included free of charge within the first 3 months.  Additional visits and changes will be charged at our standard servicing rate.